From Reproach to Bravery!
“For to this end, we toil and strive because we have our hope set on the living God, who is the Savior of all people, especially of those who believe.” 1 Timothy 4:10
Reproach means to disgrace or humiliate someone, while bravery means being bold, daring, and strong in the face of fear; thus, having a show of superiority or excellence. Have you ever been in distress or disturbed? 1 Samuel 22:2 passage teaches us a lot about David and the type of men he gathered to himself. David started building his army with the misfits, the down and out, the outcasts and undesirables, men who have been oppressed by fellow men, poverty-stricken such that they could not pay their debts.
David gathered them all unto himself, hoping in time, things would take a favorable turn with him, and he should ascend the throne and mend their circumstances thereby. But see what happens to the broken; they eventually became the Navy SEALs, the Green Beret of David’s kingdom. They fought any form of injustice and rescued people from oppression.
1 Samuel 22:2 says, “And everyone who was in distress, everyone who was in debt, and everyone who was discontented gathered to him. So, he became captain over them. And there were about four hundred men with him.”
Don’t forget that David was the least likely to become king, youngest, and smallest. He defeated his enemies through his faith in God’s power, fought Goliath, killed him with a stone from a sling-shot, and cut off his head with Goliath’s sword. Due to Saul’s determination to kill David, he left his home, his wife, and his best friend. David was stripped down of his affluence and brought to nothing. But God was building a king for a kingdom, and He knows that a king needs a subject. So, he gave them strength and trained them, and together, they all moved up the ladder of recognition, becoming mighty men of valor, and David, their leader, became a mighty king to reckon with in the land of Israel.
God can also turn your life situations around just as He did for David and the four hundred men with him. God has the power to transform your reproach into glory, living a life of affluence and fulfillment if only you subject yourself to Hid dealings upon your life. 2 Timothy 1:7 says, “For God gave us a spirit not of fear but power and love and self-control.”
Let every reproach in my life be transformed into long-lasting joy and breakthrough in Jesus’ name.