The Hindrance Question!
“So, the Jews said to the man who was cured, “It is the sabbath; it is not lawful for you to carry your pallet.” John 5:10.
In this life, it has been observed that every action, and everything that happens to us, some people appreciate it, some show indifferent attitude and while mock. Those people that appreciate you are called the motivators and an encourager. They have a warm feeling to join you in celebrating your victories as it comes.
The second group of people is not concerned with either your failure or success as long as it doesn’t have any fuzzy impact on their part negatively. These two groups, mostly support your daily aspirations and not questioning your progress or let you down. However, the third group comprises people who never see the good in whatsoever we do.
The mockers have a spiteful question regarding your victories; They are always faultfinding, scoffing even deriding the thinnest attempt you desire to make for a more fabulous life. Among the three groups, the impact the mockers have on people seems to overshadow the effects of the other who celebrate you. Nevertheless, it is impossible to do without any of the three we mention, because if you have the right perspective to understand that they have a catalyst effect.
The mockers and deriders shouldn’t be the reason why you fail to take the next attempt even after failing the first time or at other times. Instead, remember the words of today’s scriptures and keep attempting. The blind guy in the scriptures (Mark 10: 47-49) didn’t stop because of advice; he kept crying out till he got his desires met. Can you stop paying attention to the mockers but instead lets their mockery spur you into doing more than you have ever attempted to do?
1. Thank you, Holy Spirit, for today’s message
2. Today, I receive the grace to take the step one more time, no matter what people say.
3. I pray for you today; anyone questioning your promotion or breakthrough in a spiteful manner will be disappointed in Jesus’ name. Remember, God is faithful, and you are not alone in this journey.