The Inner Peace Amidst Life Issues!
“So, I said to you: “Do not be terrified or afraid of them!” Deuteronomy 1:29
We all have different perspectives on life. Some see life as complicated, while others see it as uncomplicated, but above all, it all depends on issues of life we face now and then and how we choose to deal with them. Though we are faced with life issues that seem complicated, we question ourselves; what happened to me? Why is this happening to me? Where have I missed it? What led to this situation?
Yes, it is good to ask questions and learn from mistakes, but it is not good to dwell on our mistakes in a way that makes us feel like we are not worthy of living. Instead, we should accept that we are human beings and make decisions based on our emotions and feelings, which at times are irrational. We all have our own experiences in life, but we must take courage to handle each situation and move forward.
Joshua 1:9 says, “This is my command—be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid or discouraged. For the LORD your God is with you wherever you go.”
There was a particular day I contributed money for a church project, hoping God will reward me for my sowing the following week; instead of that, I lost thousands of amounts of money the following week. It got me confused; I almost blamed God, but the inner peace constrained me, and I began to see things differently. Then, while meditating, something ministered to me from Joshua 1:9, and I realized that my God is with me.
Beloved be courageous, beloved be strong, beloved hold God firmly. Fear is not in the arms of the Lord Jesus; nothing exists to be feared. Because even though you walk in fire, it cannot come near you. When we receive the grace of inner peace amidst life issues and trust God more, some things we experience as though a mighty mountain will become a plain before us. 2 Thessalonians 3:16 says, “may the Lord of peace Himself give you peace at all times in every way. The Lord be with you all.”
1. I enter into the reality of the son of God and the gifts of the Holy Spirit abiding in me.
2. 1 Peter 5:7; Oh Lord, I cast all my worries on you, come and take care of them in Jesus’ name. Amen.