Letting God Lead!
He makes me lie down in green pastures. He leads me beside still waters. Psalm 23:2
Today’s Bible verse is an idyllic setting provided by the Lord, who leads and cares for us. It is a Psalm of faith and reliance on Yahweh since a shepherd cannot stand alone without sheep to lead. Sheep are naturally obedient and respond to their masters. A sheep follows the Shepherd without hesitation whether the path is rough or smooth. Sheep are also dependent on their Shepherd since they cannot protect themselves from predators (They are prey animals.)
So that’s why the sheep need to submit themselves under his guidance, follow him and rely on his protection and care to survive. And this is the key to their survival – heeding and obeying their Shepherd’s voice. Proverbs 3:5 says, “Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your understanding.” Like sheep, we need a shepherd to survive the devil’s attacks. We’re safer around our Good Shepherd. More safety means more life enjoyment. This is impossible without a sheep-like mindset, as Isaiah reminded us about Christ’s love for us before he laid down his life.
1 Peter 2:25 says, “For you were straying like sheep, but have now returned to the Shepherd and Overseer of your souls.”
In any way we have lost, it is possible to return to the path and find guidance from the Shepherd (a metaphor for God) if we are modest and meek like sheep; and constantly tune our ears to the voice of our Good Shepherd, listening attentively to his words and humbly obeying his wishes. Remember, our obedience to God’s word will help us follow God’s lead, just as the Bible described the character of the Bereans in Acts 17:11. This sheep-like mindset was exhibited among the Bereans when God’s word was spoken to them, producing a faith never before found among humankind via ongoing debate.
So, brethren, continuous communication and contact with Jesus will deepen our relationship and acquaint us with His voice. Listening to the inner voice saying, “I am your Good Shepherd,” can help us remain calm when troubles, perplexities, temptations, and obstacles arise. Jesus, the Good Shepherd, will guard and save us. But we must obey Him. His efforts would be useless if we remained selfish and haughty. We’ll be lost if we continue to follow murderous “voices.” So be obedient sheep to Jesus, our Good Shepherd. Amen. John 10:27 says, Jesus said, “My sheep listen to My voice; I know them, and they follow Me.” Amen.
1. Blessed be God who has counted me worthy enough to be one of his sheep, and may his glorious name be praised forever.
2. Father, I ask that spirit that rests upon your sheep to remain calm in you amidst any circumstances, knowing fully well that you are with me in Jesus’ name. Amen