The Mind: Its Functions and Mysteries! Part Two
“Set your mind on things above, not on earthly things.” Colossians 3:2
The mind is the battlefield between the flesh and the spirit. It’s where our worldly desires war against our God-given desires. And it’s the quality of our mind that determines which side wins. Without our minds, we have no worth, whereas a carnal mind can never please God. So what are those worldly desires that make your reasons unpleasing to God? Are you ready to let go of every form of worldliness in your life? Those things like greed, pride, lust, anger, envy, gluttony, and sloth. These things keep us from living in obedience to God’s Word.
Carnal mindset products are the things that prevent us from having a clear mind that can help us focus on God. If we want a quality mind that pleases God, then we need to be intentional about filling it with His Word and Spirit. We need to set our minds on things above, not on things of this world. Remember, when we admire and embrace the spirit’s mind, we invite God to enter our minds; we give Him complete control. It’s not about us anymore. It becomes all about God and what He wants for our lives. So we need to get rid of the things that clutter our minds and crave for God instead.
1 Corinthians 2:16 says, “For who has understood the mind of the Lord so as to instruct him?” But we have the mind of Christ.
When we make time for God, He will respond. The spiritual mind helps us to strive for holiness, which allows us to see God (Hebrews 12:14) and to be more like Christ. Therefore, we need to pray to God to deliver our minds from carnality so that we can be relevant in the kingdom of God. A carnal mind cannot be productive or fruitful in the kingdom of God because his heart is not right before God. To be fruitful, we must have a repentant heart that is pleasing before God. Just as no sweet water can come from a bitter source, so also no good, acceptable life can come from an unrepentant carnal mind.
The ultimate product of the carnal mind is death, whereas the ultimate product of the spiritual mind is life and peace. But there is good news for you! One thing that happens when one is born again is the renewal of the mind. Therefore, a carnal and unregenerate mind is still capable of producing results as much as they are set to forsake every form of worldliness and give their life to Jesus Christ. Therefore, I urge you to give your heart to Christ today and make your mind right before God for a better response. Amen. 2 Corinthians 5:17 says: “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!”
1. Lord, help me to obey your voice and instructions; and to set my mind on the things above as from today in all I do in Jesus’ name. Amen.
2. Philippians 4:7; May the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus. Amen.