Unconditional Worship!

Magnificent Life Ministries

Unconditional Worship!

Unconditional Worship!

“God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship Him in spirit and truth.” John 4:24

A friend of mine whom I have known from University spend a weekend together at times. But on a particular weekend, I talk to him for hours, at a point I remembered to inform him about the wedding party of another friend that we might have to attend together. He quickly told me he couldn’t go because the third party didn’t attend an event he once invited him. It took me minutes and many words to convince him to attend the ceremony.

You see, as believers, we are not to respond in this manner to people’s actions towards us. Our service to God should not be a back-scratching type; A situation whereby you do certain things for God because you are expecting something from Him. God desires people who will worship in Spirit and in truth, worshipers who are genuinely ready to give all irrespective of expectations.

We sometimes think God is moved by our tithe, offering, or service that we make it looks like God is in “need.” God is never ‘in need,’ He only needs what you have to measure your faith and love for Him. God is too unique to be manipulated. You cannot give God anything to make Him do what you want. I’m not saying God doesn’t answer to ‘giving,’ the point is that God doesn’t respond to desperate self-desires just by believing that you can pay Him to do so.

God made everything, even the things you want to offer Him, so God is never moved by that. Until we can seek, serve, and worship God with a pure and unconditional heart, we might not move God to pour Himself on us much. 2 Corinthians 3:17 says, “Now the Lord is the Spirit; and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty.”

1. Lord, thank you for saving me, equip and increase your love in my heart.
2. Holy Spirit fill my heart with unconditional love for God

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