“While the earth remained, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, and summer and winter, and day and night shall not cease.” Genesis 8:22
How well do you take advantage of an opportunity in your business? There is time for everything under the earth, and understanding the time makes you someone who can use opportunities well. The Bible makes us understand that the men of Issachar were people who understood time and season. The Bible recorded that as long as the earth remains, seedtime and harvest shall not cease (Genesis 8:22). If you have not sowed a seed, you should not expect a fruit or harvest. The same principle applies to every aspect of our lives. When you fail to seize an opportunity to invest, your business may run on a k-leg.
The cause of stagnancy in the businesses of some entrepreneurs could be that they failed to make the right investment at the right time, and the success of a few too might be that they took wise advantage of the opportunity that came their way. The scripture emphasized the act of sowing. In the book of Genesis 26, the Bible made us understand that there was a famine in the land of Gerar. Isaac was considering relocating himself to Egypt, but the Lord restricted him and commanded him to stay in the land that will be revealed to him. The Lord instructed him to stay in the land of Gerar, currently experiencing famine.
Psalm 100:3 says, “Know that the Lord, he is God! It is he who made us, and we are his; we are his people and the sheep of his pasture.”
It might sound strange to you how God gives such instruction to Isaac, but that is the way of the Spirit, and that’s why there is room for divine instruction and leading by God. The Bible says Isaac obeyed God, sowed in the land of Gerar, and reaped a hundredfold of his investment. This can be considered as timely sowing or investment. He sowed the seed appropriately when many others would be scared to do that. This act of obedience brought great wealth to Isaac, and it was recorded that he waxed great, went forward, and grew until he became very great. He had possession of flocks and possession of herds and a great store of servants, and the Philistines envied him.
Always be watchful and attentive to the voice of God in your daily work with Him. When that opportunity comes, and you are getting a prompt in your Spirit, do not hesitate to sow the seed or invest in that opportunity. Whatever a man sows, he shall reap. Remember, you should not expect a harvest if you have not sowed any seed. It is painful to sow seed, but harvest time comes with joy and happiness. So bear the pain of sowing and enjoy the blessing of the harvest. Amen. Proverbs 10:5 says, “He who gathers in summer is a prudent son, but he who sleeps in harvest is a son who brings shame.” Amen.
Father, Lord, Open my eyes to see the great opportunities surrounding my life and business that I might experience fruitfulness and increase in every area of my life in Jesus name. Amen.