Lifehack: With Virtue, Add IQ (Knowledge)! Part Three

Magnificent Life Ministries

Lifehack: With Virtue, Add IQ (Knowledge)! Part Three

All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the man of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.” 2 Timothy 3:16-17

What great promises in these today’s verses! First, God tells us His Word is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting, and training in righteousness. Then, if that’s not enough, He goes on to say that the man of God may be “thoroughly equipped for every good work.” These are some pretty major guarantees! If we want to grow in our knowledge of God and be effective in our Christian lives, we must study His Word.

The Bible is full of wisdom and instruction to help us become the people God wants us to be. And it’s not just for theologians or spiritual experts. The Bible is for everyone! So how do we go about studying the Bible? One great way is to read a chapter or two every day. Try to read with a pencil and paper in hand, and make notes of any thoughts or insights God gives you. You can also look for verses that speak to you personally and write them down.

Proverbs 10:17 says, “Whoever heeds instruction is on the life path, but he who ignores reproof goes astray.”

Another great way to study the Bible is to join a Bible study group. There you can discuss the verses and apply them to your life. You can also ask questions and get help understanding what you’re reading. If you want to grow in your knowledge of God and be effective in your Christian life, the Bible is the place to start. So dive in and start learning! Studying the Bible is one of the most important things a believer can do as it provides us with understanding, direction, and guidance throughout our lives.

The Bible offers us an opportunity to increase our intelligence quotient (IQ) spiritually and intellectually by deepening our understanding of its truths. It is full of wisdom and insight that can help believers become more effective followers of Christ. By studying Scripture, we learn about God’s character, His plans for humankind, and how we are to live according to His commandments. Reading God’s Word allows us to appreciate what He has done for us, which helps us develop a deeper relationship with Him. Amen. Proverbs 6:23 says, “For the commandment is a lamp, and the law is light, and reproofs of instruction are the way of life.” Amen.

1. Oh Lord, let every power behind my present laziness to study your word lose its hold in the name of Jesus.
2. Holy Spirit, empower me to know God’s will through His word. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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