To Err is Human; to Forgive is Divine!

Magnificent Life Ministries

To Err is Human; to Forgive is Divine!

To Err is Human; to Forgive is Divine!

“For if ye forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you.” Matthew 6:14

According to Luke 11:4, forgiveness is the key to unlocking God’s blessings. It is like an exchange currency that allows us to receive God’s forgiveness. Remember, without forgiveness, we would be removed from God and His love. When we think of forgiveness, we often think of it in personal relationships. We forgive someone who has wronged us, and in doing so, we hope to repair the relationship. However, forgiveness is also an important concept in terms of finance. When we forgive someone who wrongs us, we are effectively canceling their debt. This is an act of generosity that can be beneficial to both parties involved.

The Bible says: “forgive them who have wronged you, for they know not what they do.” Though some of our actions may lead to an offense, and when offenses are not rightly approached, it will unavoidably lead to unforgiveness. On different occasions and in various teachings, the scriptures admonish us on how to live happily, joyfully, and healthily. One of the reasonable measures of living is forgiveness. Anyone who lives all their life full of unforgiveness has successfully robbed themselves of joy, happiness, excitement, and all fun that life offers.

Luke 17:3-4 says, “Pay attention to yourselves! If your brother sins, rebuke him, and if he repents, forgive him, and if he sins against you seven times in the day, and turns to you seven times, saying, ‘I repent,’ you must forgive him.”

An aged man once lived, and one of his sons asked him what he desired to advise him on. The old man spoke cheerfully and said, ‘I could live as long as I have lived and be happy all days because of what I call forgiveness diet.’ He further explained that forgiveness should be a daily diet that human beings should take. And this is a ‘truth diet’ indeed.

Therefore, I encourage you not to live in bitterness, hatred, anger, or regret and shorten your life just because of unforgiveness. Even though some might have lived that way and live longer but if you look at lifestyles, they are moody, embittered, hateful, and hostile because they refuse to forgive an offense. Many have refused to go into another contractual or marital relationship because of unforgiveness. The consequences of unforgiveness are numerous, and you know what has caused, denied, or robbed you. So let go and let God. Amen. Matthew 18:35 says, “So likewise shall my heavenly Father do also unto you if ye from your hearts forgive not everyone his brother their trespasses.”

1. Lord, by Your Blood, I break and destroy the evil covenant of SIN entered against me now in Jesus’ name.
2. Psalm 121:7; May the LORD preserve you and your household from all evil in Jesus’ name. Amen.

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