What God Has Done for Us!
Our God! Our God! “Be exalted, O God, above the heavens; may Your glory cover all the earth.” Psalm 57:11.
In an ever-changing world filled with turmoil, it is comforting to know that our God is not dead but surely alive. While He may not be static or inactive, He is certainly alive and active in the lives of His people. This is evident through the answered prayers, the protection from harm, and the provision of all our needs. We can rest assured that our God is not only alive, but He is also working on our behalf.
His mercies are new every morning, and His faithfulness endures to all generations. God is the same yesterday, today, and forever; He does not change like shifting shadows. Our God is not dead but alive; he is the creator of all things and has been for eternity. No one likes our God that saves us from death or destruction. Our God is not a thief but an honest to give us abundant life in Christ Jesus. Our God is a loving father who loves us unconditionally and never gives up on you and me.
In Isaiah 41:10, God said, “Do not fear, for I am with you; do not be afraid, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, surely help you; I will uphold you with My right hand of righteousness.”
Our God is lovely, sweet, kind, and generous. Our God is a true friend, a giving God, and a caring God. Our God is faithful and patient with us regarding our needs. His love is unconditional and unchanging; it doesn’t change even if our circumstances are bad. We can be thankful for him because he is our God. Be grateful for Our God’s mercy and grace. Our God is always there to help you through any situation. He will always be there for you, no matter your situation.
Trust God in a hopeless and impossible situation because all things are possible with God. Be grateful for the blessings that Our God has given you. Our God will never give up on you. The God who turned water to wine will not disgrace you when you need him most. Our God, who opened the eyes of the blind and gave them hope, will not leave you alone in the darkness. Our God, who redeemed us with the blood of Christ purposefully, will surely redeem you in Jesus name. Amen. Psalm 8:1 says, “Oh LORD, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth! You have set your glory above the heavens.” Amen.
Our GOD, I say thank YOU! I am Blessed to have JESUS as my LORD and SAVIOR. Amen.