Why Do Good People Suffer and Bad People Thrive!

Magnificent Life Ministries

Why Do Good People Suffer and Bad People Thrive!

“And we know that God works together all things for good to those loving God, to those being called according to His purpose.” Romans 8:28

Brothers and sisters, have you ever wondered why it seems that good people often suffer while the wicked seem to thrive? In times of hardship, it can be easy to question God’s plan and purpose for our lives. But let us be reminded of the words in Romans 8:28 – Because every setback is an opportunity for a comeback orchestrated by the divine plans of God.

Just like a gardener must prune a plant in order for it to bear more fruit, God may allow us to endure difficulties and suffering to strengthen our faith and character. Remember the story of Job in the Bible, a man who endured great suffering but remained faithful to God. Despite his trials, Job’s faith was ultimately rewarded.

Romans 5:5 says, “And hope maketh not ashamed; because the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost which is given unto us.”

We must trust in God’s divine wisdom and perfect timing, knowing that he sees the bigger picture even when we can not. Just as Joseph’s brothers sold him into slavery, thinking they were destroying his life, God had a greater plan to use Joseph for His glory and to save many lives during a time of famine.

So let us take heart and stand firm in our faith, knowing that despite life’s hardships, God is with us always. Let us remain steadfast like the apostle Paul, who declared in Romans 8:18 – For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us.” 2 Samuel 16:12 says, “Perhaps the LORD will see my affliction and repay me with good for the cursing I receive today.” Amen.

Prayer for the Day!
Oh Lord, We pray for strength and resilience for those who endure hardships with grace and faith. May they find solace in knowing that their virtue is seen and valued by You, even if it is not recognized by the world. Grant them the courage to persevere through adversity with unwavering trust in Your divine plan. In Jesus’ name, amen.

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