“Nay, in all these things, we are more than conquerors through him that loved us.” Romans 8:37
After Jesus Christ, I can confidently say that no one else encountered challenges, contradictions, or hardcore problems like the apostle Paul. Yes, he had a history of persecuting Christians and would even travel first class to haul believers to prison. But as soon as he got saved, the tide changed; the oppressor became oppressed, and the hunter became the prey. But much more heroic is the confidence and candor with which he responded to the persecution that came his way. Here is an outline of his response.
First, he acknowledged it (1 Timothy 3:10-12). Next, he called unto the Lord for it; he simply asked for help (2 Corinthians 12:5-10). Lastly, he put his trust in the Lord for victory (1 Corinthians 15:57, Romans 8:38-40). For some of us, what we encounter might not be persecution; it could be a health challenge, a financial situation, marital challenges, a bad habit, and so on. Yet Paul’s experience gives us hope.
Isaiah 40:29 says, “God gives power to the faint and increases the strength of the weak.”
Paul’s experiences clearly affirm that any true believer is well built to withstand any pressure, whether it be from sin or evil (1 Corinthians 10:13). Just like him, we live in an imperfect hostile world, an earth the scriptures say will pass away. Hence, it’s only normal that all who share this earth’s space and suit (the human body), including believers, will suffer some dissatisfaction or the other (Romans 8:9-23). Our mortal bodies might experience pain, discomfort, or inadequacy, but we are certain that we have been toughened up for the glory that awaits us (2 Corinthians 4:16).
Peter rightly asserts that the believer is made up of much more precious substance than gold (1 Peter 1:7). Because of our faith in Christ’s resurrection, we always have what it takes to win. The Spirit dwelling in us went through hell and came back victorious (Romans 8:11). We are perpetually in a victorious train. As believers, we have all it takes to win. Hence Jesus will say, Cheer up! The victory is yours. The world has been stripped of its power to overcome you (John 16:33). Never should you, as a believer, be bowed head, dejected, or feel forsaken. You have more help than you ever need, and you can always count on that. Amen. Romans 8:37 says, “No, in all these things, we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us.” Amen.
1. Father, I thank you for who you have made me; I thank you for your Spirit that lives in me and makes me win.
2. Today, I boldly confess that I trust in your power to overcome any challenge that comes my way. I am fully persuaded. Thank you, Lord. Amen.